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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

In Home Arthritis Care in Marina Del Rey

Dressing and Bathing are a huge hassle when your joints don't work as they used to. Seniors with Arthritis know that handling buttons, opening medicine bottles and fastening zippers can be an ordeal with stiff joints and fingers. Fortunately, there are some options on the table. WebMD's article, "Assisted Devices: Living Better with Arthritis" lists some easy tips to use for overcoming your Arthritis. We've listed a few of them below:

1. Medicine bottle openers are inexpensive and can be found in the pharmacy aisle of any drug store.
2. Tub/ Shower rails prevent dangerous slips and slides. Add a non skid mat to double safety.
3. Coiled shoe laces, velcro snaps and long handled shoe horns make short work of putting on footwear.
4. Sock pullers are a simple plastic device that make it easy to slip on socks.

Check out the rest of the article for more ingenious tips! If you'd like to hire an Arthritis In Home Caregiver for further daily assistance, call A-1 Home Care today. Our agency is A+ rated with the BBB and a member of the National Care Planning Council. We provide care in Marina Del Rey, Pacific Palisades, Santa Monica, Culver City, Beverly Hills, Hollywood and other West Los Angeles cities. 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Dementia Care at Home in Marina Del Rey

According to "Mental Reserves Keep Brains Agile", an article by Jane E. Brody published in the New York Times, new studies have shown that keeping mentally and physically "fit" will decrease your chances of developing Alzheimer's disease or other types of Dementia.

If you keep learning new things, participating in stimulating social activities and perform moderate exercise your brain builds up new connections and neurons that limit cognitive damage.  Senior and elderly people who play card / board games, learn languages and work with computers keep their memory and reasoning skills sharp even as they slow down physically.

Autopsies performed on mentally sound elderly women have found brain damage showing Alzheimer pathology although there were no symptoms of the disease before their deaths.  These findings add credence to the resiliency of the human brain to rewire itself and build cognitive reserves.

It's never too late to begin building your mental reserves and improving your physical health.  If you are a senior or elderly person living in Marina Del Rey, Pacific Palisades, Santa Monica, Culver City, Beverly Hills, Hollywood or other West Los Angeles city, A-1 Home Care can provide a Companion, Home Helper, Caregiver or Home Health Aide at a reasonable rate.  Our hourly or live in Caregiver will assist you with housecleaning, laundry, mental stimulation, planning and preparing nutritious meals, companionship, moderate exercise, shopping and transportation.

For information about Elder Care, in home care or personal services, call 310-657-8780 today!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

24 Hour Home Care in Marina Del Rey

Have you been seeing your doctor regularly? A well known adage goes, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." We'd all benefit from taking better care of ourselves, exercising regularly and eating healthy foods. To push us in the right direction, WebMD has compiled a helpful list of tips for women, "Essential Screening Tests Every Woman Needs". Take a look and make an appointment for screening types you have missed.

Most women schedule regular breast cancer screenings and routine blood work, but tests for osteoporosis and receiving cervical cancer vaccines may fall by the wayside. Vaccines for cervical cancer include Guardasil and Cervarix, which can protect against cancer causing strains of HPV in women under 26. Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis are leading causes of bone breaks in elderly women.

A-1 Home Care provides 24 Hour Caregivers in Marina Del Rey. Our experienced Aides and Companions can provide specialized caregiving services for elders with cancer, arthritis and many other health conditions. We have friendly caregivers in Marina Del Rey, Santa Monica, Culver City, Pacific Palisades, Hollywood, Beverly Hills and Los Angeles County.